If you’ve seen MTV’s reality show Run’s House then you definitely know who Diggy Simmons is, but if you’ve been stuck under a rock or caught amnesia then I’ll let you know that he is Rev Run’s middle son of the Simmons clan.
Before the year is over Diggy will be dropping his debut album. He has not shared the album’s title with everyone, and has not revealed whom he has collaborated with, but says the album cover is swagger on a hundred thousand. Big promises for this sixteen year old, but I am looking forward to see what this debut entails, and from what I’ve seen from this short clip you can check out right here I think he has the swagger to rise to the top.
In a recent interview with Globalgrind.com Diggy said Jay-Z and Kanye have been huge inspirations to him without a doubt. Lupe, Eminem, and Nas has also been great inspirations as well. The teenager has a lot that he wants to accomplish in the next couple of years. He stated Hopefully two or three or however many arena tours on my back in the next year or two. Prestigious awards, Grammy’s, AMA’s, all types of different things. Magazine covers, you know just a lot of prestigious things and honors. God willing I’ll be there by then. If he has the golden touch like his dad then he will definitely be on the road to victory. Make sure to check back here when Diggy’s album comes out.